Sunday, November 27, 2005

Do you know where Macau is?

Long time no update! More updates to follow, but first a recap of Mommy's fabulous trip to Hong Kong (this is a not so subtle attempt to encourage more visitors!).
Mommy came to Hong Kong for ten days and we did the classics. And by that I mean we ate lots and lots of dimsum. Between dimsum meals we had drinks at the Intercontinental, tea at the Pennisula and dinner at a dai pai dong (an outdoor Chinese restaurant. Think homecooking Chinese-style). Sensing a theme? Yes, food is a big part of visiting Hong Kong. We also, shockingly, did some shopping, including a trip to Shenzhen.
Her visit also included a weekend in Macau and a weekend in Guangzhou. While Macau was somewhat disappointing, Guangzhou was great. We stayed at the White Swan Hotel, which is the epicenter for baby adoption in China. The place is full of new parents and their newly adopted babies, since they usually stay in GZ for a week or so to get accustomed to each other before heading back to America. It's fun to see. We also met Una and her mom for brunch, since the Au's were in GZ for business.
So do you know where Macau is? It's in m'barn. Thanks Tyler!