Saturday, July 22, 2006


In further proof that my time in Hong Kong is just a chance for me to live out the Asian childhood I never had, my room is now decorated with not only a fish lantern, dragon/dog puppet, but now dragonfly kites, from Tiananmen Square.

Also this is the view from my desk. Below me is the science park (under construction) and Tolo Harbor. Not bad, as views go, right?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Weekending in Beijing

I am Una-less this summer in Hong Kong, so I figured the only way to survive was to go visit her in Beijing. Olivia and I flew up on Friday and returned Monday morning. Highlights of the trip included 798, the industrial-area-turned-artist-village, Tiananmen Square at night and eating great food.

Southeast Asia

Mom, Dad, Scott and I took a wonderful trip to Vietnam and Cambodia. We started in Hong Kong, then to the hustle and bustle of Ho Chi Minh (the food was, once again, awesome). We had clothes tailored in Hoi An, saw the ancient capital in Hue, then enjoyed Hanoi and a day trip to Halong Bay (one of the most beautiful places I have ever been).

The highlight of the trip was visiting the Angkor temples in Cambodia. They are truly a wonder of the world. Cambodia is a hard, sad country to visit, though.
Aww, aren't they cute?
And isn't he handsome?
It was super hot:

Mom and Dad left us and Scott and I travelled to Phenom Penh, then took a boat down the Mekong back into Vietnam. We toured the Mekong for several days, then caught some R&R on Phu Quoc Island.
The weather was hot, the food was amazing and it was a wonderful time for the whole family to spend together.