Sunday, January 14, 2007

December in Denver

I was at home during the blizzard that hit Denver before Christmas. We heard lots of horror stories about people being stranded, but the four of us were already home, so we had great time (once Dad made it home from the office after his bus got stuck!).
So I could lie and say we built this snowman with neighborhood children, but really Scott and I built it and Mom and Dad helped decorate. You're never too old to build a snowman!

Singapore half marathon

Ok, so this is a really old post and it happened a really long time ago. But I left for America a few days after . . .
So at the beginning of December, I went to Singapore to run a half marathon. It was great--I was really happy to set this goal for myself and complete it, Singapore is a cool city and I was glad to go back, and it was a nice way to finish off the semester (I brought a ton of grading with me). I would post pictures, but I was there alone, so I didn't take any. And the official one from the race got my number wrong, so it's a picture of an old Asian guy looking unhappy.