Sunday, April 22, 2007

Last class

I taught my last class this week. I still have grading and the study tour yet to go, but still it feels sad to no longer really be a teacher. I learned a lot from my student the past two years and I will miss the energy and excitement of getting up in front of a class.
Here's my last class:
And me with my student, Cecilia:

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Spring conference: Xiuning Middle School and Huangshan

For Yale-China's unofficial Spring Conference, 18 of the fellows (plus friends) gathered at Xiuning Middle School in Anhui province. We took an overnight trip up Huangshan, a famous Chinese mountain. We had great food, incredible sites and the best people you could ask for.
(I forgot my camera, so thanks to Max for his photos!)
Beautiful scenery:

More beautiful scenery:
Max, Meredith and me (in front of a famous tree. No, seriously, it's the most famous tree in China):
Lots of tourists at a tourist spot in China? Never!

Ok, I didn't take this photo. But it did spark some debate in the group as to what inspired it.

Thailand for lunar new year

Ok, so this was a couple months ago, but anyway. Mom and Dad met me in Bangkok and then we went north to Chiang Mai, then south to a yoga resort on Koh Phan Ngan.
Here we are at the largest market in Asia, Bangkok's Chatuchak Market:

About to get on a river boat:
Before our elephant ride:
And by the beach: