Friday, July 08, 2005

The first days

I arrived in Hong Kong on Wednesday evening and was met by Dr. Man, the secretary of New Asia College (ie, he's in charge) and Rachel (one of the second year fellows). We met Sam (the other second year fellow) and Una and Dr. Man took us to the Jockey Club for dinner. Not bad for my first evening in Hong Kong.
Rachel took Una and me around campus Thursday morning and I got my first tast of bureaucracy in action. We stopped by the English department where we were told we needed to go to Personnel. Personnel told us that they needed a memo from the English department as proof that we had arrived (you mean me standing here asking you about it isn't proof that I've arrived?!). So now we wait for the English department to send the memo, so Personnel can get us staff numbers and send them to the English department. Then we can pick them up and go get CUHK staff cards. Phew.
I trekked to Ikea and the grocery store in Shatin (two KCR stops down from us) on Thursday afternoon. Ikea was a bit of a blur, but I managed to get sheets, towels, hangers, etc. Some I carried home, but the rest will be delivered to the flat on Sunday evening. The grocery store was an adventure. I managed to find it thanks to Una's expert directions. Inside it was packed--I mean, running people over packed. I found many familiar products (Nature Valley bars, 3m wall hooks, etc.) as well as some ingredients I want to try.


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