Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Christmas in Shatin

Shatin is the closest city to the campus where I live and it's my local mall--a staple of life in Hong Kong. It's working class/middle class place, very local. A new, very expensive supermarket just opened in the mall and the whole character of the place is changing. It's been under construction since I arrived, adding to it's gritty feel, but now new floors are opening with swanky new stores. I missed the old, somewhat strange Shatin, full of stores with fashions you only see in Hong Kong.
But never fear! When the holiday decorations went up, I realized that Shatin is still very Hong Kong, despite now having an Esprit. The theme of the decorations is Christmas and butterflies. A strange combination? Well, yes. The whole thing is completely over-the-top, but people seem to love it. Everytime I've walked past it there are people having their pictures taken in front of the trees and human-sized butterflies that decorate the trees.


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