Sunday, June 04, 2006

Miho's Wedding

One of my Cantonese classmates married a Hong Konger this month and invited the whole class and several of our teachers to the wedding. It was a beautiful event--starting with a reception (where many played mahjong, although we declined). Then a lavish banquet with specialites such as abalone, shark's fin soup (environmentally unfriendly, I know!) and roast suckling pig. It was delicous. The bride changed three times--one traditional Chinese dress, two western-style dresses.

Singapore and KL

Tyler and I went to Singapore and Kuala Lumpur for a week. Singapore is an incredible city--it is cleaner and more efficient than Hong Kong if that's possible!

In KL we stayed right next to the Petronas Towers, the second tallest buildings in the world, after Taipei 101. They use some beautiful elements of Muslim architecture.

Tyler's visit

A few pics of Tyler's May visit to HK. The classic Hong Kong skyline:

Out on the town with Sara, Sonia and Tiffany:

Steak sandwiches at Morton's happy hour with Sara!